HECK Kältetechnik

Installation and commissioning

To enable our customers to benefit from turnkey solutions we also offer the necessary installation work on site – from the insertion and setting up of the system components via the installation and insulation of pipes all the way to the electrical wiring of the field devices.

For projects abroad, it is also possible to provide a lead installer/supervisor to direct the local installers and to ensure a technically correct installation.

Of course, our scope of services also extends to the commissioning of the systems including function tests and safety checks as well as instruction and training of operating staff and local specialist firms.

HECK Kältetechnik GmbH

Bahndamm 13
33803 Steinhagen

Telefon:  + 49 (0) 5204 – 9180-0
Fax: + 49 (0) 5204 – 9180-19

E-Mail: info@heck-kaeltetechnik.de