HECK Kältetechnik

Why choose HECK?

There are a number of reasons for our customers to opt for a cooperation with us.

Our customer base is made up of plant manufacturers and end users who are active in a wide range of industries and who place very different requirements upon us. However, the primary arguments for cooperation with us can always be summarised as follows:

  • Development of project-specific solutions for optimising customer benefits
  • Smooth project management by competent and motivated employees at all levels
  • Guarantee of highest possible system availability due to utilisation of high-quality components
  • Worldwide installation and commissioning of systems
  • Quick response times in case of malfunctions
  • Comprehensive after-sales service over the complete system life cycle

HECK Kältetechnik GmbH

Bahndamm 13
33803 Steinhagen

Telefon:  + 49 (0) 5204 – 9180-0
Fax: + 49 (0) 5204 – 9180-19

E-Mail: info@heck-kaeltetechnik.de